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Support the Polka Museum
The Polka Lovers Club of Texas Museum is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization. As a public charity, your membership dues help the Polka Museum provide a facility for the preservation, promotion and education of polka music and dance. Your financial support assists the museum in providing information and first-rate experiences for our city, county, region and polka lovers around the world. Your support ensures the dynamic history of polka music and dance will not be forgotten and will continue to encourage and inspire future generations.
Other Ways to Support Our Cause
Making a Gift in Honor of
Making a Gift in Memory Of
Donate to Endowment Fund (Continuation of Capital Improvements)
Donate Art, Artifacts, Property, Music, Instruments
A Planned Gift: Leave a Legacy
An Asset Gift (Living Trusts, Retirement Plans, Appreciated Securities, Real Estate)

Opportunities to Support the Museum

- Mailing Address
P.O. Box 72
La Grange, TX 78945 - Physical Address